Environmental sustainability information pack
The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) Secretariat have developed an environmental sustainability information pack to provide an overview of key resources and case studies on how to improve the environmental impact of your laboratory and quality control testing. Whilst this information pack has general principles applicable to all laboratories, there is a particular focus on greening analytical laboratories.
This information pack is the BP’s initial step in outwardly advocating for action on sustainability and aims to support industry’s efforts in reducing environmental impacts through:
- uniting the sector’s action and ambition behind sustainability
- identifying key challenges and priority areas to focus efforts
- convening sustainability information and case studies of sustainability changes
- facilitating compliance with the BP to be maintained through any sustainability changes
This information pack has not been uniquely developed by the BP Secretariat but is a collection of valuable suggestions from several reputable sources and many BP users. The new, non-mandatory, environmental sustainability information pack is free to download and will support users to make sustainability changes whilst maintaining the quality of medicines produced and compliance with the BP.
Download the environmental sustainability information pack now
We would like to thank everyone who contributed and supported the creation of this information pack.